India, Study Materials

List of Important National Highways of India

Transport System-List of Important National Highways of India The Present transport system of the country comprises several modes of transport including rail ,road ,coastal shipping,air transport etc.India has revolutionized both external and internal transport systems completely. Rail Transport  Railways are the most important means of transport in India. Recent improvements in railway communication have played


India, Static GK

भारतीय ऐतिहासिक घटनाओं की क्रमवार तिथियों  की सूची

 भारतीय ऐतिहासिक घटनाओं की क्रमवार तिथियों  की सूची भारत वर्ष के नाम से प्रसिद्ध उपमहाद्वीप  उत्तर में हिमालय से लेकर दक्षिण में समुद्र तक फैला है। भारतीय इतिहास को तीन भागों में बाँटा गया है – प्राचीन भारत ,मध्यकालीन भारत एवं आधुनिक भारत । भारतीय इतिहास में अनेक प्रसिद्ध ऐतिहासिक घटना घटित हुई ।भारतीय ऐतिहासिक घटनाओं की


Science, Static GK

 List of Important Biology Terms and Definitions

  List of Important Biology Terms and Definitions All comparative exam  asks one or two question related to Biology Terms and definitions.Its important topic  for  comparative exam.Below include list of Glossary of Biology Terms and Definition. Biology is branch of Science in which living beings are studied.the term of biology was first coined by Lamarck and Treviranus


Static GK, World

Important International Organisations and Groups

List of Important International Organisations and Groups Asia Pacific Economic Corporation (APEC) Established: Nov, 1989 Objective: To promote trade and investment in the Pacific basin. Members: 21 (Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, China, Hong Cong, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Malaysia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Republic of China, Thailand, United States,


India, Static GK

Indian Railway Zones and their Headquarters and Divisions

Indian Railway Zones 17 Indian Railway Zones and 69 divisions. The first rail in India started in 16 April 1853 between Mumbai and hane (34 KMs) by Lord Dalhousia. Indian Railway network is the largest in Asia and second largest in the World. Indian railway Board was established in March 1905. There are three types of rail