List of Abbreviation and Acronyms Associated with Sports An acronym is an abbreviation used as a word which is formed from the initial components in a phrase or a word. All competitive examinations such as SSC CGL , Patwari , MPPSC, SSC, Railway and Bank etc asked abbreviation related to Sports. Here List of Abbreviation and
List of Famous Foreign Books and Their Authors
List of Famous Foreign Books and Their Authors Hello Friends Today we have brought to you very important topic “ List of Famous Foreign Books and Their Authors ” for all competitive exam .Here the list of Foreign writers and their books. Generally 2-3 questions comes in every competitive exams like IBS, IBPS PO, UPSC,MPPSC,
List of Name of News Agencies of some Countries in the World
List of Name of News Agencies of some Countries in the World Hello Friends VidyaGyaan provided of famous and top News Agencies of word.Here some important List of Name of News Agencies of some Countries in the World. Country Name of News Agency Country 1 Bakhtar News Agency – state-run, English-language pages Afghanistan 2 Pajhwok Afghan
विश्व के प्रमुख देश, राजधानी एवं उनकी मुद्राएं
विश्व के प्रमुख देश, राजधानी एवं उनकी मुद्राएं मुद्रा की परिभाषा: मुद्रा (Currency, करन्सी) पैसे के उस रूप को कहते हैं जिससे दैनिक जीवन में सभी प्रकार की वस्तुअो और सामानों की ख़रीद और बिक्री होती है। इसमें सिक्के और काग़ज़ के नोट दोनों आते हैं। किसी देश में प्रयोग की जाने वाली मुद्रा उस
Important International Organisations and Groups
List of Important International Organisations and Groups Asia Pacific Economic Corporation (APEC) Established: Nov, 1989 Objective: To promote trade and investment in the Pacific basin. Members: 21 (Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, China, Hong Cong, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Malaysia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Republic of China, Thailand, United States,